When an organization determines its human resource needs, it remains for it to attract the largest possible number of job seekers, in order to choose the best elements from among them, and this job is called polarization and selection. The recruitment function means attracting the largest possible number of candidates to fill vacant positions, while the job means The selection filters these candidates to find the best ones.
The chapter begins by giving an introduction to introduce the reader to these two jobs, then the chapter moves to concern in the second part the function of polarization with a focus on human resources sources and how to attract them. In the third part of the chapter, attention is given to selection, with a focus on selection criteria, selection procedures and various methods, with the aim of filtering candidates and selecting the best ones.
The terms polarization and selection refer to those integrated processes in selecting and appointing individuals in the organization. Responsibility for recruitment and selection rests with both human resource managers and executives in the organization. Where human resource managers provide the latest methods applied in the selection of human resources, and they train executives on them, while the executives participate in the final selection stage through personal interviews.
Steps for recruiting and selecting human resources:
The process of recruiting the selection of human resources goes through several steps, starting with planning the work forces and ending with appointment: